National / Country Activities

  • To facilitate and advocate for comprehensive rights-based SRH, TB, HIV, AIDS and related interventions for persons with disabilities: DHAT seeks to support, facilitate and promote increased access to prevention, treatment, care, support and mitigation services for PWDs. This is an immediate and urgent part of DHAT’s work, which is a service delivery component that is mainly at community and country levels. Strategies and activities include working with OPDs, CBRCs, ASOs, national health services as well as NACs in developing IEC materials to cater for the respective needs of PWDs; training service providers (both pre-service and in-service) in areas like sign language and generally in working with specific disabilities. Capacity development of OPDs and their respective federations, CBRCs and ASO are among the strategies and activities for this goal.
  • To facilitate and advocate for comprehensive rights-based interventions that increase activity, participation and empowerment of persons with disabilities: DHAT seeks to promote, support and facilitate Interventions, ideas and Approaches addressing vulnerabilities, empowerment needs and increasing activity and participation of persons with disabilitiesThis is largely a strategic component that necessitates review, formulation, advocacy, networking, information sharing and dissemination on disability related policy and legislation in the countries and region. DHAT sees this work to be mainly at country and regional levels. At regional level, DHAT seeks to influence and work with relevant regional leaders and stakeholders to have in place and implement systems that increase the activity, participation and empowerment of PWDs.

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National / Country Activities

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